Embark on a journey through time with the Beaver County PAGenWeb Project. Our mission is to keep free genealogy accessible on the Internet, helping individuals connect with their past, discover their ancestors, and preserve their family's heritage for future generations.
Part of the USGenWeb® Project established in 1996, this site is intended to help focus your genealogy research on Beaver County Pennsylvania ancestors. There are links to great online resources, transcribed records, and subjects of interest. We welcome the submission of original content. Enjoy your stay!
Beaver County is located NE of Pittsburgh in southwest Pennsylvania. The County was formed in March 1880 from portions of Washington and Allegheny Counties. The Borough of Beaver became the county seat in 1800 upon the formation of Beaver County, and formalized as a borough in March 27, 1802. It's the home of towns such as New Brighton, Rochester, and Beaver Falls.
If you have questions, submissions, or find problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Keep in mind they are generally unable to do specfic research for you. Also note, all materials contained herein are secondary source materials provided for your convenience, and as such are not endorsed by the USGenWeb Project or guaranteed to be accurate. All copyright laws are observed to the best of our ability, however, if you feel something is on the site and infringes on copyright laws, let us know.